What Crossy Road did for Frogger, Cavernaut does for Lunar Lander.
Not slapped together like some games, the attention to detail on this one makes it enjoyable to play. For example, you can brush up against cavern walls without taking damage, but a harder hit will. Also, the screen dims when you are about to enter a new zone. Feels really solid to play, and the lander is fun to fly.
Good power-up selection, upgrades, and flight mechanics. The music and sound effects do a really good job to set the tone of the game.
My current favourite.
ONE big frustration, though:
Occasionally gets stuck on the loading screen. The ONLY way Ive found to fix this is to delete and download again, wiping out hard-earned upgrades!
Please fix this bug!
MacAttack!! about Cavernaut, v1.0.1